
Housing Court...Follow-Up
I was there a few weeks ago and asked Judge Nowak for an "Order to Vacate" for the following abandonded, boarded, increasingly more derelict and vacant house here at 2 Girard Place (map), right alongside Humboldt Pkwy. Some of my readers have commented about the "demolition by neglect" taking place as they pass by on their way to work in the morning. I first reported about this house in March, later in May and most recently in July where I stepped inside the house and showed how the architectural detail had been stripped. That pissed me off and motivated me to ask Judge Nowak for the "Order to Vacate."
While I was there a few weeks ago checking up on the building's exterior I found that the front porch had become a favorite spot for neighborhood kids. I walked down the street and shared a copy of the Judge's order with a few of the parents.
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The stenciled court order is clearly visible in red. But as you click through some of those images you'll quickly see that the Judge's order was apparently not read and disregarded by at least one person.

I give the house another 6-8 months...then, off to the landfill in Niagara Falls...
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr


  1. It will be a tragic loss if this building is demolished and it will happen becasue of inept ownership and a lock of will on the part of the city to enforce its own laws

  2. It will be a tragic loss if this building is demolished and it will happen becasue of inept ownership and a lock of will on the part of the city to enforce its own laws
