
Getting 'Duked'...Live!
Looks like we just paid for a live webcam of Duke Realty's new empire behind Buffalo's City Hall and the construction of BCBS/HealthNow's Atlanta style suburban office park. The webcam has a "game-like" controls so you can watch the construction site. After trying it out for the first time I couldn't swivel it all the way around to see the new cul-de-sac and 150 car parking lot being built in the middle of Court Street. I'll try again, next week. Depending on your system the webcam may take a few moments to load.
Getting 'Duked' - live!
The image “http://static.flickr.com/21/28400605_a4ee2bb54f_o.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The image “http://www.camcentral.com/images/ads/ov_ani.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
I first started writing about Duke Realty and the migration of 1200 jobs from my Masten neighborhood to an isolated suburban style office park a few months ago. Remember, former Erie County Executive Dennis Gorksi is BCBS's "go-to" guy for governmental affairs.

Related Posts: Get ready to Duke it Out and We've Been 'Duked', Really! Duke Realty (NYSE- DRE) shares closed up slightly on Friday at $34.90 Look at all the beautiful "suburban style" office parks Duke Realty has built.
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1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, have you heard about the new walmart movie that documents the high cost to low price? Check out the sample clip on my blog www.thoughtsoft.blogspot.com, or go to walmartmovie.org
