
Demolitions on Forest Avenue, too...
Wow...NYS is finally spending money on the Psych Center! I missed Sam Hoyt at the Psych Center this past June by a few minutes. I took these pics and asked a few people when the other houses here were going to come down. Just heard that NYS is spending some more of our tax money to demolish these and Sam Hoyt will be "witnessing" the demolitions on Friday October 21, 2005.

I tust someone will publicly ask Sam Hoyt where the phantom $100 million is that was promised, oh when...once upon a time.
Pysch Center Demolitions

Pysch Center Demolitions Pysch Center Demolitions Pysch Center Demolitions Pysch Center Demolitions Pysch Center Demolitions
click to enlarge
I guess "witnessing" a demolition is a cool thing. All I had to do was look out my rear office window to see the demolitions along Michigan Avenue last week. Oh...well I guess I've been "witnessing" the demolition by neglect of the Woodlawn Row Houses for the past 18 months, too. Something tells me that Sam isn't going to cross Main Street to help...

And speaking of preservation...I remember some rather snarky e-mails from Sam about this...ouch!
10/22/05 11pm
Here's the post that touched off a series of snarky e-mails...

Related Posts: Sam Hoyt & Preservation...A Curious Mix?
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. Any lead-based paint in that place? :-)

  2. I believe that my grandfather, K.B.MacDonald,was one of theoriginalinvestors in this theater.
