
Plenty of Houses in the 'Hood...
Kristen Becker let me know today of her efforts at organizing a fundraiser for NOLA folks. I had an opportunity to sit down with her yesterday to review some of her new organizations preliminary plans. High on the list is housing...for displaced NOLA artist folks. And of course I started in on just how cool it would be to use the Woodlawn Row Houses for just such a mission. Proximity to Artspace and the future permanent home of Performing Arts High School...cool.
On Friday September 23rd, the newly formed not for profit New Orleans Lagniappe Association (NOLA) will hold its first monthly variety show The Voodoo VarietyHour at Nietzsche's in order to benefit those relocating to Buffalo. The show wil consist of a wide range of performers, from comics to spoken word to musicians,as well as an art auction, and raffle. All donations are welcome. Having lived in New Orleans and loved the people there, I feel a tremendous need to get involved. Living in Buffalo now, I feel a need to let all the great people of New Orleans know how great Buffalo is, so NOLA will try to offer incentives for people to move their southern based businesses into the city of Buffalo. This is a chance for our city to be forward thinking. There are alot of people who need a home and the one thing we have plenty of is buildings that need a little love, to make them a home.
Elizabeth over at BuffaloSpreeBlog picked up Kristen's announcement, too. Check it out, Kristen set up a new Buffalo based blog for this fundraising effort, Voodoo Variety Show!
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Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are successful in preserving some of the historical buildings there. There really isn't anything that old here in Las Vegas, or at least anything worth saving. All of the casinos have undergone huge renovations, so about the oldest building here is maybe 60 years or so. Seems Las Vegas homes aren't built to last more than that, some don't even last 10 years before a remodel!
