
Demolition by Neglect...Part (?)

And to my surprise, Alan Bedenko via BuffaloPundit, now gets it. In a post titled Demolition by Neglect Alan is linking local municipal malfeasance with the housing crisis here in Buffalo, NY. Finally...a little respect. Alan's referring of course to this recent post about the City of Buffalo owned historic and totally neglected Woodlawn Row Houses. Thanks Alan.

But when the city owns the property - even historically significant property - it can get away with bloody murder. After all, who’s going to stop them? Do you think the inspections department under Ray McGurn is going to do a whole hell of a lot to prompt its bosses to act?

A good deal of the blight on the East side is attributable to properties owned and neglected by the City itself. Would that there was a citizens’ inspection department that could inspect and violate the city on its own properties.

Some of the comments are worth checking out that were left behind.

In addition to letting our hertitage rot away, we (and by “we” I mean all of us, not just the government we elected) should be equally ashamed that we’re permitting the construction of bland, cookie-cutter, mediocre buildings in their place.

I am naive in the ways of city planning but I don’t imagine the public has a direct say in what is approved for construction rather our electecd officials make those decisions, correct? Or are there public hearings at which we could voice our disapproval?

This is why a number of people are gathering around and supporting a smart urban planning and development decision for the new Post Office over here at Northampton and Main Street. Read all about what happens when Post Office officals get blasted by well informed citizens.

And another reader left behind a link to an op-ed piece by local Buffalo architect and urban good guy, Matthew W. Meier, that appeared in Tuesday's Buffalo News. It's really worth checking out in case you missed it.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the props, but I did post about it in support of you:




    You just didn't notice. ;-)
