
More Bandaids or Surgery?
Join the rapidly developing conversation about race, neighborhoods, property values and the Calcutta like chaos of some east-side neighborhoods. The Buffalo News, (main stream media) gets it all messed up...again about the recent violence in Lovejoy.
What is to be done? Check out the following posts on the local Buffalo blogosphere.

Lift Up Rug...Sweep Race Under via Craig at North Coast Online
It's just blindness to deny that that a destructive black underclass exists in Buffalo. And while we can debate the reasons for it, we have to admit that it exists. The residents of Lovejoy have had front-row seats to the decline and fall of Broadway, Genesee, William, and Kensington. It's facile to say that they're simply reacting against "blacks." If a solid middle-class, property-maintaining, gainfully-employed black family were attacked in Lovejoy then the News story might make sense.
Race and Class in Buffalo via Alan at Buffalo Pundit
...What I’m always struck by is the complete lack of parental supervision. Even with little things, such as naked toddlers bathing in the Gates Circle fountain. No parent around....So what do we do? We can tout “New Buffalo” all we want, but there are a lot of people in Buffalo who have bigger problems than what to do this weekend...And I’m no sociologist, so I’m at a loss as to what we can do as a wider community.
Related website: Booker Rising
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

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