
City of Good Neighbors....NOT!
Craig, over at America's NorthCoast and west-side Buffalo resident, has quoted in full the letter written by Cindy Lauer of Perrysburg regarding Council President David Franczyk's and the Masiello administration's complete disregard for our neigbors 40 miles to the south, in Perrysburg.
I've had extensive conversations with many of the players in this fiasco, including the Perrysburg Town Supervisor Myrton Sprague and Tom Trathen who wants to buy the place. I would encourage every reader of this blog to e-mail, call and write their Council member, Congressman Higgins and our two Federal senators Clinton and Schumer to express your outrage regarding the handling of this matter and your desire for a rapid conclusion.

For back ground information, please read this.
Remember, we can't even properly secure the Woodlawn Row Houses, repair the Wollenberg Grain Elevator, or deal effectively with the H. H. Richardson complex on Elmwood Avenue. How, tell me are we going to ever develop a "City of Buffalo Owned" 700 acre complex of buildings 40 miles away?

This is the organization Friends of JN Adam that Cindy Lauer is referring to in her letter. Go ahead check it out and see who got the award...you are not going to believe it.

The solution is simple: Sell the property to Tom Trathen and put it back on the tax rolls for the people of Perrysburg, NY. It's really that simple.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

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