
109 Days to Go...
The Buffalo blogosphere has lit up once again and is making its first steps in shaping the outcome of the 2005 Mayoral race. The issue is "old style politics" vs. transparency and accountability. Its really that simple. When asked by Figmo at BuffaloRising the now top mayoral candidates Steve, Judy and Kevin each responded in no uncertain terms, Ray McGurn has got to go!
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Meanwhile Byron Brown appeared content reading, "My Pet Goat" to a group of kids in a summer reading program. He took some time later to respond to Figmo...
Byron Brown reading from...."My Pet Goat"

According to Figmo, the conversation about Ray McGurn went like this...
So here it is. The Byron Brown SAMO Waltz:

Step 1. Indignantly deny:
“I have nothing to do with Ray McGurn.”
Step 2. Immediately appear to back up the claim with emphatic but irrelevant facts:
“McGurn was appointed by Masiello. He is Masiello’s Commissioner.”
Step 3. Begin to obfuscate the allegation with a carefully phrased and incomplete truth
“...who happens to be a member of a large organization in South Buffalo holding a fundraiser for me.”
Step 4. Finish it off with all the pharisaic spin you can muster:
“He is not the head of the organization and he is not the chair of the fundraiser.”
But Byron lost it at Step 3. What could have been a masterful waltz right past a rank and steaming pile turned into a sloppy bellyflop right in the middle of it. In short, to claim that Ray McGurn is just “a member of a large organization in South Buffalo” strains all credibility.
So, Buffalo Bloggers...lets get some "press passes" and keep striking out at the politics of the status quo...

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