
Smart City...Radio

I've been a huge fan of Smart City hosted by Carol Coletta for months. You can catch her latest show this afternoon on WNED - am at 3pm or Sunday at 7pm. Alex Garvin and David Bergman are the guests this week on Smart City.
The purpose of planning is to generate a widespread, sustained market response, according to Alex Garvin. He should know. His career represents an impressive succession of assignments from directing planning for New York's 2012 Olympics bid to heading development and design for the redevelopment of the World Trade Center. His most recent project is Atlanta's Beltline, an exciting new proposal for a circle of parks and transit around the core of the central city.
Also with us is David Bergman of Economic Research Associates. David will share his thoughts on urban and regional development strategies and the role of culture industries in economic development.

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Smart City archives your favorite urban thinkers, planners and even mayors. This fully archived show from last November caught my eye - Can Lagging Cities Catch-up. Click and listen!

And Smart City is sponsoring the Creative Problem Solving Insitute in St. Paul, MN later this month.
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Buffalo's very own Hyde Family Foundation generously underwrites Smart City. Thanks George!
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