
McPost Office 14209?
Seems like the chain of command was out to lunch. While the big boys were making plans to make this move nobody actually told Station Manager Marvin Randolph or building owner Mark Pagano that Station C, what we know as the Main Street Post Office, is about to get a new home, until Wednesday the day of the hearing.
28 people, mostly area residents - a few Linwood Avenue Coalition members, Nathan Neuman from NMG, über good guy George Grasser, Karen from Congresswomans Slaughter's office and PO officials from every level - local, regional and national gathered at Belmont Shelter to discuss the move which officials would like to see completed in the next 18 months.

We were told by William C. Monerief (title to follow) that the current 7000 sqft facility is too small. He wants a 11,000 sqft facility built along "national standards" with 67 parking places. The clock on the official "45 day period of notification" began ticking last night and a site selection notice will be posted for the next 30 days in local papers including the Challenger and Criterion. He wants something within a one mile radius of the current site - 1245 Main Street - but located in the North St./Canisius - Delaware Ave/Humboldt Highway - service area. Marvin Randolph was asked what sort of trucks arrive at the current location on a daily basis. He said 3 40' trucks in the morning and 3 40' in the afternoon.

A number of participants voiced concerns about the importance of a pedestrian friendly design on Main Street.

Allita Steward from Strategic Planning led the meeting and promised a number of public meetings once a series of sites are choosen. I have full faith in Allita's ability to keep us on track. While we are engaged in this planning process let's keep in mind that what many consider to be among the worst offenders can often be pushed to do the right thing. The first example here is a McDonalds in Corfu and the other in Rothenburg, Germany. It can be done, right!
McDonalds - Corfu McDonalds - Germany, Rothenburg
click to enlarge
George Grasser cautioned postal officials that a "one sized fits all approach" to the planning and design will not be tolerated. This after hearing about the PO's "linear operation" several times and at least one reference to McDonald's approach to replacing at least 10% of their retail stores on an annual basis.

Let's remember that these people work for us and let's remind them every step of the way that this section of Main Street is unique and that the "one size fits all approach" doesn't work!

I'll be posting all the players e-mail address in the next few days so you can contact everyone with your thoughts and opinions regarding this community based decision. I'll maintain a section of my blog for this project and in general do my best to keep people informed. Please feel free to comment in the place below, share pictures of good urban POs and chime in on site selection issues, too.

Just received this from Masten Councilman, Antoine Thompson...


I did not get the call until yesterday. Were you able to go to the meeting? I would like to relocate them on to Jefferson and East Utica. This would bring a tremendous amount of traffic on to Jefferson Avenue.


Jefferson Avenue & Riley
I think he means one block away from this "sub-urban" Tops at Jefferson & Riley. Something tells me this is going to be more than interesting. Never a dull day on this side of Main Street.

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