
A Day in the Country...

Slightly off topic, I know.

Since I started blogging, I've been connecting with people all over the world who are interested in what Buffalo used to be, is today and what it might become in the years ahead. Seems like the Internet has collapsed time and space and sped up dozens of introductions that, probably would have taken place anyway...but have now happened faster. Lia Oprea is one of these people and she lives down in Sardinia, NY at the Olmsted Camp. She's invited me to A Day in the Country which doubles as a fundraiser for the Western New York Land Conservancy.
Olmsted Camp

It's way off yet on Saturday August 6th, I know yet Lia wanted me to pass the invitation around to anyone who might be interested in coming out for alittle bit or the whole day. Check out the musical line-up and the opportunities for photographers and artists.

I've been fascinated by the night sky since I was a kid and a few years ago I bought my daughter a telescope that barely fits into the car. I imagine I'll be heading out in the next week or so to drop in and say hello to Lia and do some star gazing in a place where there is no ambient light and the sky is just the way it's supposed to be.
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Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

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