

This is too cool!
Play with ChicagoCrime.org and see what's happening by zip code, block, crime type or hour of the day!

How’s this for a clever use of Google Maps and public data. Check out all crimes reported in the 3 am hour on May 5, 2005 in Chicago. You can even map out all the prostitution busts. Plus you can subsribe to RSS feeds for any neighborhood! Cool!

See what other people are saying about this google map hack, over here!

University at Buffalo Professor Alex Halavis has this to say about ChicagoCrime.org!
Take the Chicago police blotter and run it through Google Maps and you get ChicagoCrime.org. Take a look, for example, at where you are most likely to be robbed at gunpoint, or find a dice game. (NB: Both occur with frequency on sidewalks—see the links under the map.) I wish they had this in more big cities. I love to walk cities, but I would also love to know what I’m walking into.
Adrian Holovaty put this site together. Here's Adrian's explanation as to how ChicagoCrime.org was developed and a few interesting directions that will help you exploit and plumb the data.

Any chance that somebody in Buffalo could run the police blotter thru google maps. How about Housing Court Scofflaws?
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