
CAO on Dodge Street?
For those of you who are not familiar with this complex of buildings it is the former German Roman Catholic Orphan Home. I first started writing about this place last winter. I've visited the site numerous times this Spring and the condition of the various buildings continues to deteriorate. Is this another text book case of demolition by neglect?
This map may help orientate you to the site. I've prepared a slide show that includes pics from various visits. Check out the slide show and consider entering your comments below regarding "demolition by neglect."
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The Erie County CAO owns this site. Nathan Hare is the Executive Director. He can be reached at 716-881-5150. And yes, the newest Catholic Parish in Buffalo recently built a McChurch on the site. It's called St. Martin de Porres.
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Lots more links and pics in this October 2005 post.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. Great Story. I and my 2 brothers and 2 sisters, ages from 3 to 10 years old, spent 3 years in that orphanage, around 1938 thru 1941, and we learned respect fron the nuns that ran that place. I'll always remember the sweet cakes we could count on for breakfast, and, personally, all the fights that I couldn't avoid from the bigger orphans there. So I share a lot of sentiments for my 3 year stay there.
    Wesley Goff (81)

  2. You must of. Been dreaming, it, lwas never like that after that.
