
Things Google are...Great!
I've been a huge fan of Google products from the start. They seem to do things better and the way you imagine things should be. The list includes G-Mail, (let me know if you want an invite) Picasa, Blogger, Google News and of course the coolest maps are available at Google Maps. Most of the territory is also covered by satellite images, too. The code here is open and when you start mixing innovation, GPS technology, open-code and the Google Map interface good things are bound to emerge, fast.

Paul Rademacher just put together a Craigslist & Google Map Combo. Apartments in major North American cities are shown. I first learned about that at The Map Room and when they hooked-up with a Google Map Group, I was hooked. So earlier this week I joined and asked the question, "How can I do something like Paul did?" I wanted to map stuff about the 'hood and display it in the coolest format possible, using Google Maps.
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Arj, at GMapTrack, picked up on my interest and directed me to his beta-site. The interface is too easy to use. I just linked several points of interest and came up with my own:
Imagine all sorts of applications. Locating the best cheese-burger or all available public (and not so public) wi-fi sites in Buffalo. Google Maps Mania just linked to ChicagoCrimes.org that uses Google Maps to plot crime in Chicago...this is getting good!

Btw...More good news from Google. The stock closed on Friday at $241.61 up $2.43 and here's that full story...GOOG: news, chart, profile. Now if they had a personal homepage product.

Oh...just released, yesterday! Check it out.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link for using mapping technology for urban planning/advocacy http://www.urban.org/nnip
