
Here's the Church, Here's the Steeple...
Where did all the people go? I know...Charlotte, Houston and Phoenix. With 50 people leaving Buffalo every week, I guess it's just a matter of time before we see addtional church property abandonded, derelict and "demolished by neglect" here, on Buffalo's east-side.

I first started investigating old churches here on the east-side a few months ago when Zion Dominion was in the news. Here's what I wrote about their move to Amherst. This is an excellent example of the adaptive re-use of old buildings. I contrasted Zion Dominion's decision with the Buffalo Diocese's decision over here at 564 Dodge Street (cool satellite pic). I took these pics in January.
564 Dodge Street - the former
German Roman Catholic Orphan Home

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This history of this Buffalo instiution, the former German Roman Catholic Orphan Home, is preserved here, by Ralph A. Handley. Charles Hendler from the Preservation Coalition of Erie County was quick to point out information regarding some of the recent ownership of the property. Charles also shared this website, Buffalo's Faith Elevaotrs, documenting a number of churches here on the east side.

Here are two additional church properties that are ready for "demolition by neglect" on Buffalo's east-side.

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More about these two church properties on the east-side later this week. I'll report back on ownership and their "inspection status."
If you know of other east-side church property web-sites and information about other church structures that are experincing "demolition by neglect," let me know...thanks.
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Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

1 comment:

  1. David,

    Thank you for bringing stuff like this to light!
