
Buffalo's Loss...

I first met Dick Kern 13 years ago on the east-side of Bufalo. He was investigating another HUD scam. He introduced me to the politics of housing here in Buffalo. And for those people who listened, Dick Kern provided a graduate program in municipal malfaesance and the corrupt nature of how neighborhoods in Buffalo end up looking like war torn Berlin, Beirut and Baghdad. While many people here in Buffalo were overjoyed to see Sharon West, former Executive Director of Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority (BMHA), leave Buffalo earlier this year, it is very sad day to know that Dick Kern is leaving now, too.
Richard Kern
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Dick we all wish you well in you future work and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the extraordinary example you have set in your pioneering "Blight Busting" work and willingness to race to the bottom line on issues and developments that are central to understanding the malaise that afflicts us here in Buffalo.

Much of his work is still gathered over here at KernWatch. Here's the link to the story in today's Buffalo News about Dick Kern. I've archived the story, over here.
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While peddling around the east-side this week and leading an "archeological tour" of Buffalo's soon to be famous ruins, I took these pictures. Pictures that will always remind me of Dick's uncompromising desire to uncover the story behind the story. The first picture is from a memorial located in MLK Park and the second picture is part of the latest chapter in Buffalo's history, the ever increasingly larger "urban prairie" and home to what some people think is the future agricultural district of Buffalo. This is one of the BMHA buildings located at 1827 Fillmore Avenue. Make sure to see that satellite image, it is clearly the largest tract of abandonded, boarded, derelict and vacant property in the city of Buffalo. And make sure to check out the city's assesment of the property here, the official property description.

If you don't like the looks of this place and think it should be properly secured, call Gillian Brown. He's now the acting Executive Director of BMHA. He can be reached at 855-6711 x 204. And if you would like to receive e-mail from Dick Kern, let him know. I'm sure he's preparing the fall semester's course right now.
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1 comment:

  1. His leaving is a good thing. A wonderful thing. This guy is a nutjob, a stalker, and a potential psychopath.

    Be careful around this guy.
