
About the Psych Center...
I originally posted "Urban Exploration & Modern Ruins" in January after visiting the J.N. Adam site in Perrysburg. The Preservation Coalition hosted a tour of the Richardson Complex this morning so I thought it might be helpful to re-post.
*** Buffalo Rising writes about the tour!***
The Preservation Coalition has a picture of the Woodlawn Row Houses on their site with a link to the petition to save the Woodlawn Row, too. It's sandwiched in between the the picture of the Atwater House and AMA's.

So if you are intereseted Buffalo's architectural heritage and preserving outstanding examples of our built environment, consider reading and signing the petition to save the Woodlawn Row Houses.

Here' that earlier post...
Urban Exploration & Modern Ruins

While thinking about "Modern Ruins" this past weekend I stumbled on this site by Shaun O’Boyle. A totally cool sight displaying his work photographing old things. He calls this stuff “Modern Ruins.” If you are interested in almost any aspect of photography as a way to document the past, this guy is really good. This is an example of Shaun O'Boyle's work and depicts part of our Asylum's interior.

Our Asylum on Elmwood Buffalo Psych Center Our Asylum on Elmwood
click to enlarge
Awesome links and brilliant slide show “Insane Asylum” takes you through our own Asylum on Elmwood Avenue, the Buffalo Psychiatric Center aka H.H. Richardson Complex which local librarian Cynthia Van Ness describes. The slide show has a haunting sound track from Phillip Glass and closes with the disturbingly sweet poem by A.C. Swinburne (1837-1909) “From Too Much Love of Living.”

Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

1 comment:

  1. The old asylum is truely an amazing building. Like nothing I've ever seen. I hope its around for thousands of years.
