
109 Genesee Street...Murals
While photo-documenting a number of sites Sunday afternoon on the city's east side, I decided to take a closer look at the Willert Genrich property at 109 Genesee Street. It's been the subject of recent debate. (Will someone please comment on the latest developments...thanks.) Here's the building which I guess Mr. Genrich has now owned for 20 years.
front view

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I walked around to the back of the property, too. I've never seen this view of the buildings as I am usually racing down Oak Street to make the lights.
rear view

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Seeing how totally messed-up these buildings are really inspired me. I thought wow, if so many people want to save these buildings and preserve a really cool and unique 19th century urban streetscape, then the Woodlawn Row Houses just might be saved, too.

I stayed on Genesee Street for a while and admired the murals about Buffalo architecture and history. Here's the complete set of scenes from the murals along the 100 block of Genesee Street. Does anyone know who the artist(s) are and when they were first displayed? I think these are rather unique and may have been first displayed 10 years ago. Please share what you know about this project...thanks.

click to enlarge
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

1 comment:

  1. On the corner of the building facing the intersection of oak and genesee, the painters have signed it. Its very badly worn but i think it reads Memmo Bros painting.
    Does this sound familiar?
