
Artspace needs a hand...

I've been writing about Artspace since December. It's another "puzzle piece" for this side of Main Street and can best be seen as part of the rapidly developing arts and educational community in this little part of Masten. Here's an example of the positive smart urban planning taking place over here.

Here's the deal. Spoke with Laura Krolczyk in Senator Hillary Clinton's office this afternoon. She's the point person on the Senator's staff heading up this project. We have a February 18th deadline to get letters of support to New York State as part of a petition to demonstrate that there is significant interest in the project here in Buffalo to justify some very favorable NYS financing that comes in the form of tax-credits.

I've got a model letter here, that you should review. All the addresses and contact numbers, too.

Artspace plans went belly-up in Plattsburg, NY a few years ago because there wasn't sufficient interest in supporting the financing involving low-income housing tax credits.

Spread the word. Let's help make this project work here in Buffalo.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006

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