
Zion Dominion moving to Amherst

In Saturday's Buffalo News we learned that Rev. Roderick L. Hennings announced that his congregation purchased The Chapel in Amherst. "Good News" for his congregation and the residents of Amherst. Here's their website.

Further down in the article we learned that before the congregation leaves Buffalo they will be selling....NOT Leaving an empty building behind ....their current place of worship at 360 Genesse Street. This is very good news for the city, especially this side of the street. When they purchased the building in the early '90's this land mark building Continue reading... See what the Catholic Church left behind, too!
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  1. The former German Catholic Orphanage on Dodge Street appears to be owned by either Scott Wizig/NY Liberty Homes or the Community Action Organization of Erie County.

    The Mayor was quite pleased to be walking the property with Wizig back in May/June 2001, eager to tear down these historic and quite beautiful buildings to build some new housing (adding to the glut of housing and abandonment in Buffalo.)

    A site dedicated to the German Catholic Orphanage:


  2. WOOOOOOOOOO! GO Zion. Thats ma church!
