
Who's Running This Place, Part 2

While we slept our anointed leaders, Buffalo's Control Board, played musical chairs. We woke Tuesday morning and found that a seat was created for Brian Lipke, King of the Hill at Gibraltar Industries, as Chairman of the Control Board. He replaces Tom Baker who couldn't muster the intestinal fortitude to negotiate with the unions. Gibraltar is a publicly held company and their shares trade on the NASDAQ under the continue reading...
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1 comment:

  1. Well...ideally, I wouldn't want a control board, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Buffalo has been mismanaged into the ground by our elected officials, and the only alternative is a control board of appointed people who know how to draw up a budget and stick to it.

    Again - the empirical evidence is quite clear that the control board is helping - not hurting. If anything, Buffalo is in better shape than the County of Erie. Whodathunkit?
