
Ok, Jen(nifer) just beat me.....

I was thinking of linking buffalo area bloggers here, I mean on your right. Thinking it would be an excellent idea to have a forum to exchange ideas and thoughts on our shrinking city. Well Jen is off to a good start and I did manage to leave the first comment...

Clicking thru some of the links about Buffalo was cool. I started to think about doing an Urban/Sub-Urban thing and then it occurred to me I should start trolling Technorati for bloggers who just got up and voted with their feet and moved somewhere where it was warmer, where the political cultural is not as in-bred and the tax-burden not so onerous as to choke you. I have a friend in Columbus who pays $47/month, balanced billing, to his electric company. He runs an air conditioner full blast in the summer and heats with it during the winter. If you still love the four seasons think about New Hampshire.

Kevin Gaughan’s website is from Loserville! Totally one-way. It provides no space for dialog, comments or the exchange of ideas and alternatives we are dying for here in the ‘hood. Could have been called “One-Way Buffalo ."

The Elmwood Strip is the epitome of urban hip and social intercourse! Kevin change your site!!! Great book, but your site really sucks. So instead of linking to all the way cool and sometimes static blogs…..go right here to Technorati or over to the right and check out the Technorati search box.

Enter your favorite search words about Buffalo – “Elmwood”, “SpOT”, “Albright-Knox”, “Kevin Gaughan”…..and you’ll see search results for people blogging about Buffalo. Current up-to-the-minute posting.

Meanwhile....Kevin, fix your site!

* New*
Kevin's website still sucks...
see it here...

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