
Check Out This Preservation Initiative

The Woodlawn Row Houses - April 2004

Frequently Asked Questions - Added 8/1/06

Please take a moment to review the posts. The blog's archive provides background and additional information about the initiative's history. Buffalonians love their architectural heritage, so please read and sign the petition to help save the Woodlawn Row Houses. They were designated a "local-landmark" by the Preservation Board in 1981. This building is owned by the city of Buffalo. It is located diagonally across from Buffalo Traditional High School. When you click on and open this map, you will see that the Woodlawn Row Houses were once part of a larger cluster of 21 row house sites in this little corner of the Masten District. There are three remaining sites.
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Most of the stories here on this blog have to do with developments here in this little corner of the Masten District. Here, I mostly limit myself to issues impacting the neighborhood bordered by Main Street and Jefferson -- East Ferry and East Utica. It is a 25 block area! Read about Performing Arts moving into this neighborhood! There are other stories I follow, too.

Here's a street map to help orient you to the Woodlawn Row Houses.
Sanborn Map Image Satellite Image
click to enlarge
The Mayor, Council President David Franczyk and Masten District Councilmember Antoine Thompson and Chief Building Inspector Lou Petrucci are aware of the condition of this "local-landmark." They understand that the city of Buffalo is the legal owner of this building.

Please join us in our attempt to hold the city of Buffalo accountable for rapidly deteriorating condition of this "local-landmark."

Our objective is very simple. We would like to do the following:

  • Secure the building from additional decay.
  • We would like to find an appropriate owner or;
  • Establish a non-profit organization and raise private funds to properly secure and preserve this "local-landmark."
If you would like to join this initiative, please contact me. Take a look through the archives to see what we are losing and examples of what we have to gain. Please take a moment to read and sign the petition.

If you should have any questions or would like additional information about this little corner of the Masten District please let me know. The best way to do that is thru e-mail.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006

1 comment:

  1. It's my understanding that this property is no longer there. there was a fire around july 2009 that claimed this structure. Nothing remains.
